Oral cancer causes & risk factors pdf

Both tobacco and alcohol are carcinogenic, which means they contain chemicals that can damage the dna in cells and lead to cancer if you drink alcohol or you smoke, this increases your risk of mouth cancer. Although risk factors often influence the development of cancer, most do not directly cause cancer. Oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer causes, risk factors, and. Risk factors for oral cancer canadian cancer society. Nonsmoking tobacco products for example, snuff, dip, spit, chew, or dissolvable tobacco are. Risk factors for oral cancer e397 introduction head and neck cancers rank third in most common malig nancies encountered in both genders globally. This paper is an overview of the various etiological agents and risk factors implicated in the development of oral cancer. Up to 75% of oral cancers may be attributed to exposure to tobacco or alcohol.

The hpv virus, especially type hpv16, may also cause oral cancer. Charlotte and mike passed away in 2012 after suffering for several years from oral cancer. Oral cancer causes, risks, symptoms and prevention. One of the biggest risk factors for oral cancer is tobacco use. Frequent sun exposure is also a risk factor for lip cancer. This includes smoking cigarettes, cigars, and pipes, as well as chewing tobacco. A persons risk for oral cancer increases the longer he or she smokes. Carcinoma of oral cavity causative and risk factors ecronicon. Tobacco use, including both smoked and smokeless e. Risk factors for oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers.

For example, exposing skin to strong sunlight is a risk factor for skin cancer. Despite recent advances in cancer diagnoses and therapies, the 5year survival rate of oral cancer patients has remained at a dismal 50% in the last few decades. Learn about causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments. Oral cancer is a malignant tumor arising anywhere in the mouth. Oral cancer risk factors linda m kaste, dds, ms, phd diplomate, american board of dental public health professor, university of illinois at chicago college of dentistry. The leading causes of mouth cancer in the uk are tobacco and alcohol. The main risk factors for oral cancer are tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption, with these factors accounting for an estimated 90% of all oral cancers. But they do know many of the risk factors and how some of them may lead to cells becoming cancerous scientists believe that some risk factors, such as tobacco or heavy alcohol use, may cause these cancers by damaging the dna of cells that line the inside of the mouth and throat. In fact, smokers are six times more likely to get an oral cancer than nonsmokers.

The risk of developing oral cancer increases with age and is. Oral cavity, pharyngeal, and laryngeal cancer prevention. Oral cancer risk factors national oral health conference. Public awareness of oral cancer and associated risk. Most patients described awareness of two of the main risk factors for oral cancer, smoking and alcohol consumption, but their views about whether these behaviours were directly linked to. A risk factor is anything that increases a persons chance of developing cancer. Its estimated that approximately 51,540 people will be diagnosed with oral cancer and cancers of the throat, tonsils and back of the tongue in 2018. You will find out more about what factors increase the chance of developing head and neck cancer. Major risk factors for oral cancer are cigarette smoking and alcohol misuse.

Consumption of tobacco is an important factor for developing cancer risk and also causes millions of deaths annually. Sexual transmission of human papilloma virus is a leading risk factor for cervical cancer in women. Among asian populations, regular use of betel quid with or without added tobacco increases oral cancer risks. In highincome countries, smoking, alcohol use, and overweight and obesity were the most important causes of cancer. As part of oral cancer awareness month, we want you to take charge of your oral health by knowing the risk factors for oral cancer. Oral cancer accounts for roughly three percent of all cancers diagnosed annually in the united states, or about 49,700 new cases each year. Oral hpv is transmitted to the mouth by oral sex, or possibly in other ways. Consumption of smokeless tobacco causes mainly oral precancer and cancer. In the article, let us see the risk factors and causes of this cancer. Studies have found the following risk factors for oral cancer. Oral cancer typically affects people over the age of 40. Modifiable risk factors for cancer british journal of cancer. All forms of tobacco increase a persons risk of oral cancer.

Other risk factors are being male, using marijuana, and having hpv infection. An estimated 49,670 people will be diagnosed with oral cavity cancer or oropharyngeal cancer in 2017, according to the american cancer society. While the vast majority of oral cancers frontanterior of mouth are related to tobacco and alcohol, about 10% of these cancers come from unknown causes. See the hereditary cancer syndromes section for more information about inherited genetic mutations that can cause cancer. Oral cancers most often occur in people over the age of 40. During the same period, 5year survival rates also increased. The 58th world health assembly resolution on cancer prevention and control wha58. For cancers of the lip, exposure over a long period of time to ultraviolet light from the sun or from tanning beds increases risk. Cancer that occurs on the inside of the mouth is sometimes called oral cancer or oral cavity cancer. Tobacco and alcohol use are 2 of the strongest risk factors for oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers. Oral cancer risk factors and diagnosis everyday health. Top 5 risk factors for oral cancer you know your dentist is looking for cavities during regular checkups, but you may not realize your dentist can check for cancer at the same time.

The most common risk factors for cancer include aging, tobacco, sun exposure, radiation exposure, chemicals and other substances, some viruses and bacteria, certain hormones, family history of cancer, alcohol, poor diet, lack of physical activity, or being overweight some causes of cancer can be prevented but others such as family. The 2 most important modifiable risk factors for oral cancer are tobacco and alcohol consumption. Oral cancer causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment. Risk factors for lip and oral cancer include excessive sun exposure, tobacco, and excessive alcohol use, says scott mclean, md, director of. Oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer causes, risk factors. Learn about mouth cancer, also known as oral cancer, including information about causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. There are various causes and risk factors that increase your chances of cancer. A subtype of head and neck cancers is oral cancer oc, which is described as a cancerous growth in the mouth 1. A type of cancer that develops in the mouth area is known as oral cancer. Smoking tobacco products causes almost nine of every 10 cases of lung cancer, and also can cause cancer almost anywhere in your body.

The use of tobacco, including smokeless tobacco and excessive consumption of alcohol are the prominent risk factors in oral cancer re. According to the american cancer society, tobacco use and alcohol are the two most prominent risk factors of cancer. Risk factors of oral cancer a hospital based case control. Histopathologic risk factors in oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma variants. Doctors and scientists cant say for sure what causes each case of oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancer.

Oral cancer cause occ, a 501c3 nonprofit, was founded in 20 by linda miles and robin morrison in memory of charlotte estep, linda miles sisterinlaw, and mike collins, robin morrisons brother. Contact our practice if you have concerns about your oral health. Almost all oral cancers arise from the flattened cells squamous cells that line the surfaces of the mouth, tongue, and lips. The development of oral cancer is a multistep process involving the accumulation of genetic and epigenetic alterations in key regulatory genes. However, patients without obvious risk factors can develop oral cancer and premalignant lesions. Causes of oral cancer an appraisal of controversies nature. The risk for developing oral cancer is 3 times higher in smokers compared with nonsmokers. Lifestyle and environmental factors also have been identified as risk factors for oral cancer. Oral cavity, pharyngeal, and laryngeal cancer prevention approaches include avoiding or reducing risk factors like smoking, alcohol, and oral hpv infection. Despite recent advances in cancer diagnoses and therapies, the 5.

Learn more from webmd about oral cancer, including causes, risk factors, symptoms, and treatment. Top risk factors for oral cancer american dental association. Things that increase your risk for oral cancer include using tobacco and heavy alcohol use. Several risk factors have been well characterized to be associated with oral cancer with substantial evidences. Oral cancer includes cancers of the mouth and the back of the throat. Oral cancer know the risk factors and causes blog updates. Mouth cancer is one of several types of cancers grouped in a category called head and neck cancers. Most oral cancers begin in the flat cells that cover the surfaces of your mouth, tongue, and lips. Oral cancer facts risk factors signs and symptoms additional.

Oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer causes, risk factors, and prevention cancer. Each year, over 450,000 patients are diagnosed with oc world wide 2. Heavy, regular alcohol consumption is a risk factor for oral cancer. In western europe and north america, the main types of chewing. Recently, however, smokers under the age of 50 are among the fastest growing segment of oral cancer patients. Anyone can get oral cancer, but the risk is higher if you are male, use tobacco, drink lots of alcohol, have hpv, or have a history of head or neck cancer. Lohe and others published risk factors in oral cancer.

You will find out more about the factors that increase the chance of developing oral and oropharyngeal cancer. Most people with oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers use tobacco, and the risk of developing these cancers is related to how much and how long they smoked or chewed. Over the past 30 years, a series of authoritative reports issued by the u. Most cancer risk and protective factors are initially identified in epidemiology studies. A family history of certain cancers can be a sign of a possible inherited cancer syndrome.

Oral cancer is a type of head and neck cancer that develops when abnormal cells within the lining of the cheeks, gums, roof of the mouth, tongue, or lips grow uncontrollably. Although oral cancer undoubtedly has a multifaceted etiology, tobacco use and alcohol consumption are widely considered to be its major risk factors. Uv rays also causes actinic cheilitis which may transform to. Cancer is defined as the uncontrollable growth of cells that invade and cause damage to surrounding tissue. Modifiable risk factors have been linked to a wide range of malignancies, including cancers of. Most oral cancers arise from the tongue or the floor of the mouth. It is estimated that around 43% of cancer deaths are due to tobacco use, unhealthy diets, alcohol consumption, inactive lifestyles and. Oral cancer risk factors and symptoms verywell mind. In 2007 the iarc concluded that there is quite evidence to establish that snuff smoke is carcinogenic, and for example, it causes cancer of the oral cavity and pancreas. Mouth cancer and other head and neck cancers are often treated similarly.

Plus, find out more about different treatment options, including surgery and radiation therapy. Oral cancer appears as a growth or sore in the mouth that does not go away. Approximately 49,700 americans are diagnosed each year with this largely preventable type of cancer that affects the mouth andor pharynx. The inhalation of tobacco smoke andor the chewing of tobacco leaves introduces an array of harmful chemicals into the oral cavity. Overall, oral cancer rates have increased approximately 15% from the mid1970s until the latest national cancer institute survey. Besides, the risk for oral cancer is 35% lower in people who quit smoking four years ago than those who continue. Pdf dietary factors and oral pharyngeal cancer risk. The oral cancer foundation reports an estimated 50,000 americans are diagnosed with oral cancer each year. While the vaccine was developed to lower the risk of cervical cancer, research suggests it has decreased the prevalence of oral hpv infection among the vaccinated. Most people clear hpv within one to two years, but hpv infection persists in some people.

Risk factors for breast cancer include reproductive and hormonal factors such as a long menstrual history, recent use of oral contraceptives, and never having children. Oral cancer can appear anywhere in the mouth, including the inside of the cheeks and the gums. The risk is even higher for tobacco users who are heavy drinkers of alcohol. Often times, oropharyngeal cancerthat affects the soft palate, side and back walls of the throat, back third of the tongue, and the tonsilsis lumped under this term, too. Oral cancer symptoms include mouth sores, numbness, bleeding, and swelling.